Friday, November 27, 2015

7 Ways To Improve Your Decision Quality

We are all products of the decisions we have made in our lives. Our choices create the paths of our life journeys, leading us to destinies that we are either proud of or appalled by. There are a multitude of other factors that affect who and what we become, but the quality of our decisions lays the foundation upon which we can construct our future. Here are 7 ways to ensure that you make quality decisions.

1. Check your emotional state

High emotions are inversely related to quality decision making. Logic is diametrically opposed to clear thought. When you are raging in any extreme emotion, that is not the right time to make decisions with long term effects. That of course makes it hard to decide when to make decisions like who to marry, because such decisions are to a large extent determined by how you feel. Nevertheless, even such decisions require a sobre mind and as much of an unbiased critical evaluation before announcing the decision.

Note: Never let the pressure of a glamorous proposal push you into making a decision that will change the rest of your life when you really aren't ready to take that step.

2. Engage forethought

The late great Steve Covey said it best when he said, "Begin with the end in mind." People who are clear about their desired outcome have less trouble making quality decisions, because they know exactly what is relevant for the future they are building, and what isn't. Forethought enables you to assess the impact of each alternative decision in the safety of your mind. You explore the "what if's" in the healthy and objective context of course.

3. Expand your horizon

The limits to anyone's imagination are imposed by the width of his horizons. These horizons are the product of exposure. Travel and reading are excellent ways to expose your mind to what is possible beyond your country or even local town. Biographies of great decision makers such as celebrated leaders can enrich your mind in so many ways.

4. Relax

Great decision making requires an active mind. In order to keep your mind active, you need to save up your decision energy for things that matter. Identify quickly things that you can't change and those you need to delegate to other people. It's not a great idea to make big decisions when you are tense or tired. It's much better to do that while on vacation or anywhere where you are relaxed.

5. Believe in yourself

Nothing is a decision crippler like lack of confidence in yourself. We have this internal validation mechanism that affects our decisions in order to prove our secret beliefs about what we can and can't do. Virgil said it best when he said, "They can because they think they can." It's those who think they are able to do certain things that actually succeed at it. Those believing otherwise will sabotage their own efforts and prove to themselves what they knew would happen, fail.

6. Define your vision

Your vision for your life is the compas that defines who you are and what you value. Without a clear vision, you will always be swayed because you have too many options. Vision puts your life into perspective. It defines your purpose. It clarfies your goals. It motivates you. Without a vision, nothing meaningful can be built.

7. Look to God

Prayer is indispensable. It allows God to speak peace into your storms. His word formulates the framework of your aspirations. His wisdom enables you to do far more than you can ever imagine. A relationship with Him gives you access into the benefits reserved for those engrafted into the true vine, Jesus.