Friday, March 27, 2015

Reason of Being

The search for meaning has baffled many minds over the years. Philosophers have written volumes upon volumes on purpose. Why are we here? Only simpletons coast through life without battling with this question.

Could we be a meer progression of a species with the base purpose of being a link in an ecosystem? Could we possibly be at the same level as cats and dogs as some animal activists purport? Are our lives merely a physical existence terminated at the end of our lease on earth?

Religion has tried to offer explanations, but has been reduced to ritualism and a set of rules no one lives by. Many fall short of the requirements and soon give up trying. The ones that remain put on facades; masks that portray them in a different light from who they truly are. Others identify the hypocrisy and decide not to be a part of it.

Thank God for GRACE. That God-man called Jesus entered the constrained dimension of time with the much needed intervention. He turned upside down the vain attempts of religion at getting to the Creator. He stripped bare the desperate state of mankind. He demonstrated what the purpose of life is, and how it can be attained - In him, with him and through him - the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

The purpose is to connect with the Creator - God. The only way is through Jesus. Personal methods outside him will not work. Being a nice person will not work. Being good is insufficient. Altruism won't work. Self justification won't do it. Only accepting his Lordship will work. Then he will give you a new nature. One that is capable of connecting with God.

Once the connection is made, you may enjoy the side effects. Righteousness, peace and joy. Fulfilment, purpose and belonging. Love, hope and faith. All that not by exertion of personal virtue. Only by complete reliance on GRACE. Only by relationship, not religion. That is Christianity - a relationship. His GRACE qualifies and enables. Nothing else in the entire world can do this. It is an excellent idea to pay attention to this good news. It's even better to share it! GRACE!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Arise Zimbabwe

Times sure have changed. I always used to wonder why elders called them "the good old days". Now I know. I remember when we used to leave milk bottles by the gate with coins or tokens, and the milk man would collect and leave a bottle of fresh milk. Newspaper vendors would leave heaps of money by the corner while going about their business without the fear of someone running off with their earnings.

Not today. Integrity has become a rare commodity. Unfashionable. Undesirable. Unattractive. People would rather deal with those who understand the kickback system. No lubrication, no deal. Yet this is the rust that has torn through the fabric of our nation.

A man's imagination is limited to the horizon of his exposure. A whole generation has been raised in this environment. All they know is how to get ahead by paying the right people. No business ethic. No effort to compete on excellence. They have become calloused by the vicissitudes they have faced in an empoverished country with an economy spiraling into a bottomless abyss. No other place would be a better example of the nature of poverty - a mindset.

This state of the nation cries out for integrity. Evil prevails when good men do nothing. Instead of speculating what could work, we ought rather to be getting our hands dirty, putting our hands to the plough. Intelligence is measured by results, not certificates on the wall. Wisdom begins by bowing the knee to the one true God, not a puffed out chest.

GOD with US. TOGETHER as ONE. UNITED WE stand. If we will put aside selfish interest, we will prosper. That "what's in it for me?" attitude has to stop. How shameful it is when one is prepared to block the prosperity of a family, company, city, or country for self gain. Patriotism is not allegiance to a political party. It's commitment to a nation. May the words we recited as boy scouts reverberate in our hearts. "I PROMISE THAT I'LL DO MY BEST TO DO MY DUTY TO GOD. TO SERVE MY COUNTRY AND OTHER PEOPLE AND TO KEEP THE SCOUTS' LAW."

Saturday, March 14, 2015

4 Ways to Avoid Burnout

I recall a time when chronic fatigue was my daily state. It was as though I was just coasting through life, with a load imposed on me that no one could help me bear. I was burnt out. At the office and at church. There was no place to rest. Here are a few things I learnt in my transition from this place:

1. Learn to say NO

It's better to refuse to take on any more extra load than to accept every suggested thing and crumble under the pressure. Some things seem important, and they are. But you can't do everything important. Someone somewhere is able to do it with less strain. Saying NO doesn't make you a bad guy. Failing to deliver though may lead some people to see you as unreliable and inefficient.

2. Concentrate on the things that only you can do.

Delegate what your subordinates can do just as well as you, or better. When you focus on those things that only you can do you make better use of time, and you have less to do. You commit more time to meditate on those key tasks that you produce better results there.

3. Focus on serving in the area of your gifting.

When you serve in areas where you are not gifted, you struggle to produce results and you may soon start to feel burnt out. Serving in the area of your calling, gifting and passion makes each opportunity to serve an exciting adventure. You look forward to it. It's like a hobby.

4. Remember to serve as unto the Lord.

When you feel used in the church and that bothers you, you probably need to reevaluate your reasons for serving. The whole point of serving is to be used of God. If that is not what you want, STOP! You're in the wrong place.

I hope this helps in some way.
Have a great week.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Short Fuses and Blown Gaskets - 4 Steps to Anger Management

Are you one of those people with a short fuse? Do you get angry quickly and easily and maybe at times wonder how you blew off that gasket? Maybe you know someone like that. I know some people who even brag about it. Some struggle with it. They don't know how to master that anger that's always boiling under a weak gasket.

There are many reasons why people may end up this way. Of all of them, there is one very common trigger. If you examine your life for this trigger you may have just found the solution to your problem. Finding the issue is one thing, dealing with it is another.

The number one reason people have anger issues is a blocked major goal. When your path to something very important to you is unfairly blocked, you can easily become an angry person. Whether the blockage came by a truly unfair mechanism is subjective. It's all a matter of perception; your perception.

Here's how to deal with it:

1. Identity your blocked goal.

This could range from reversible things like a business, or education to irreversible things like having your father around when he couldn't be because he passed on or left you and your mum. Identifying it is an important first step.

2. Identify who blocked it and forgive them.

Whether this was a corrupt official, a misinformed parent, a deceased parent or any other person, you need to forgive them. Sometimes telling the person works, but in many instances this may not be practical or possible. In that case you can write them a letter and explain how they blocked your goal and how you feel about it. You can then tell them in that letter that you forgive them and then burn the letter. Tell yourself that as the letter burns, you are letting go of the anger you felt towards them.

3. Think whether there is no other way to achieve that goal.

Sometimes our vision is obscured by negative emotions. Giving things a deep thought after letting go of negative emotions can give fresh insight. You may find a good alternative, sometimes not because of the nature of the goal. Nevertheless, it's easier to close that chapter at this stage and move on anger free than before.

4. Pray

Asking God to help you deal with potentially aggravating circumstances in the future helps you deal with things you couldn't in times past. Be honest with God in your prayers. Let him know how you feel and ask for help. You'll be amazed how things work out.

I wish you all the best.
