Monday, April 29, 2013

Interview with Rabison Shumba (Author, Motivator, Coach and Business Consultant)

This week, I had the opportunity to interview Rabison Shumba, whom I am proud to have been associated with in his latest offering, Fountain of Inspiration Volume 2. He is founder of the Greatness Factory Trust who is also an author, motivator, coach and business consultant. He has authored four books to date namely:
1.    The Greatness Manual
2.    Fountain of Inspiration Volume 1
3.    Fountain of Inspiration Volume 2
4.    101 Great ways to Enhance your career (co-author)  
He has also contributed to:
5.    Turnaround Management Journal – contributor
6.    Performance 360 Magazine (USA) – contributor
7.    Several local and international magazines – columnist/contributor
Rabison carries remarkable humility and is keen to uplift those around him in as far as he can. I have benefitted personally from his remarkable kindness and would like to share our short interview:
When was your company/organisation formed?
In 2010
What was the vision and mission of the organisation?
Our Vision is To see an equitable society that offers an enabling environment for youth to attain their socio-economic potential.
Our Mission is To empower young men and women through mentorship and capacity building initiatives.
Approximately how many young people have been to your workshops?
I have mentored over 150 young people directly and several hundreds informally.
Do you know of any that have benefited directly from these workshops?
Certainly, I know several that I still keep contact with.
What challenges if any have you faced as an organisation in your quest to achieve the objectives set? 
Funding is usually a hindrance to one’s desire to make giant strides. We have relied mostly on personal savings and thankfully we also have received support from the donor community with small grants.
Is there anything you wish Zimbabweans (or even the rest of the world) knew that could make your work a lot easier?
I wish everyone knew that the future of this world is in the investment we make in young people.
How did you get into writing?
I started off by motivating young people that I ministered with at my church. When they would come back with feedback on the messages I sent them daily, I realized I had a gift I was sitting on. Thereafter I began to take motivation seriously. I got into blogging and social media as tool to further my mission
As an author, what is your greatest desire?
My desire is to see people being transformed in the way they see themselves through my writings. I cherish the testimonies I get of people whose lives have been touched. I write with a purpose; to transform generations.
What are some of your frustrations if any?
I am amazed at the way people do not see their own need for empowerment. Some have a wrong idea why books exist. They are not there just to pass exams but to shape people’s destinies. If people only knew that the quality of our future is fashioned by what we know then the attitude towards information acquisition and broadening of exposure would change.
How have your books been received so far?
My books have been received phenomenally both in Zimbabwe, the surround SADC nations, East Africa as well as overseas. I have received numerous speaking invitations as a result of the way people value my literary work.
Which one are you most proud of and why?
I love the first born the most. The book has little stories about my life where I have used the principles therein. I love all the books though as I believe my writing is getting better with every book I am releasing. However, I have great respect for the one that spread the red carpet for me in this domain.
When is Fountain of Inspiration Volume 3 coming?
Fountain of Inspiration 3 is 80% ready. However, it may be overtaken by other books whose gestation period has since passed. I have many books that are ready; I just cannot release all at once. The best is in the pipeline.
Is there a short version of your main message?
I write in line with my purpose which is “to create greatness in others through inspiration”. Whatever I do in life is closely tied to this purpose statement. That is the central theme of my message. When I build leader, individuals, corporate staff etc, it is all done with inspiration in mind. I want people to do even better than I have done. (speak of students doing better than their coach).
You can discover more on Rabison on his personal web, company web
Personal Web:
Follow Rabison on Twitter: @rshumba