Tuesday, October 29, 2013

He's Able!

The Lord will demolish the house of the proud: but he will establish the border of the widow. - Proverbs 15:25

Sometimes life deals us a bad hand. We try hard to understand the reasons why bad things happen to us even though we are good people. We begin to feel like God has left us, like the heavens are covered by a large brass blanket impenetrable by our prayers.

One lady I know went through a horrible ordeal. Her husband whom she was married to for only a few years mysteriously got killed through a series of events that made news, albeit not in a manner leading to the resolution of the actual facts surrounding the case.

"Having grown up as an orphan, it had always been my dream to have a family of my own. I was in such a state of denial that I refused to accept that he was gone. I kept thinking he would just come back home as he had always done every day. I couldn't understand why people keep leaving me. My financial situation didn't make things easier. I had no idea how I was going to afford living in the house I was occupying. "

"But God had a plan. I got a raise at work and things got a bit easier. Then there was a program that saw me becoming a home owner. It was unbelievable. All these things happened shortly after we laid him to rest. I'm not happy that he died and these things happened. Rather, I am happy that there is a God whose ear is inclined towards the prayer of the widow. "

You may be in a situation similar to this woman. May her testimony bring you hope. We can never replace the people we lose that were dear to us, but we can find hope in God.